Sunday, March 24 2024
Most people don’t think much about the ins and outs of their plumbing systems, that is, until something goes wrong. The drip-drip-drip begins, the toilet backs up, etc. What you don’t know is that you can use plumbing safety measures to protect your home and family. Why protection? At Barner Murphy we know from experience that plumbing issues can impact the functionality of your home. More importantly, faulty plumbing can prove to be a risk to your property. Always think about safety first. If you think there’s a problem, call a professional. DYI is fine for small things, but plumbing is a complex system. You want a professional to get to the heart of things and ensure everything is fixed correctly the first time. What Hazards Can Plumbing Problems Create?The most common hazard from plumbing problems is mold. If you have leaks, mold loves that environment. One example is black mold. You’ll know it when you see it. Black mold is true to its name. Many people have allergic reactions to this fungus. Because of the spores, it’s always suggested you find an expert to alleviate this problem. Then, there’s the potential of structural damage. Depending on the types of materials in your home, exposure to water can weaken them to the point of failing. You know the stories of someone’s tub falling from the apartment above? Things like this can happen. You definitely need a professional now, and potentially permits, too! For your family, water leaks create slippery surfaces. People may slip and fall, particularly the elderly and young children. If it’s outdoors, your delivery people are at risk, likewise. Depending on where the problem occurs, faulty plumbing can decrease the integrity of your water. Or it may leak toward electrical wiring. So, what’s the best bet? Putting into place safety measures as professionals, like ours at Barney Murphy, suggest. Plumbing Safety Tips:
What Can Barner Murphy Do For You?If you want to keep your house plumbing running smoothly without any hazards, schedule regular inspections with us. We’re licensed and can spot issues before they become far worse. In the end, this saves money because things are in tip-top shape. During our inspections, we can clean the drains to avoid clogs. If you want more plumbing safety tips or want to protect your family and home from plumbing hazards, contact us. We service Bucks and Montgomery, PA. Phone: 215-945-8560 |