Friday, October 14 2016
Well, the water heater isn’t working again. How’d you find out? Was it the cold water in the shower this morning, or the huge leak at the base of the unit? Maybe it’s finally time to upgrade your water heater, especially with that cold Philly winter incoming! You should change your tank water heater every 10-13 years, while a tankless water heater will last around 18-20 years. Repairing a water heater may solve the problem in the short term, however, new water heaters are more efficient and more economical. Why do water heaters fail, you may ask. Well, over time, minerals in water react with the steel inside your water heater, causing corrosion. Water heaters are a very simple appliance, without a lot of moving parts. So when the pilot light or if the heating element fails, it’s definitely time to get a new water heater. So why get a new water heater? There are a lot of reasons, the main one being that modern water heaters are much more efficient. Manufacturers now use glass liners that help prevent corrosion as well as injecting foam insulation between the tank and its outer shell, resulting in better heat retention. There are even more “green” options such as solar water heaters (which qualifies for a tax credit!) as well as geothermal water heaters, if you live in the right area. At Barner Murphy we recommend to install Bradford White water heaters, because of their unparalleled support for the plumbing and heating industry. With Bradford White, you get the most quality for your dollar, while also getting an expert installation by a Barner Murphy serviceman. Bradford White has a large selection of water heaters, from traditional natural gas and electrical units, as well as tankless and solar options. After installation, your home’s water heater will be able to provide hot water for your entire home. Once a year, you should flush the tank to remove sediment that builds up inside, and every three years check the anode rod, sometimes called the sacrificial rod. The anode rod collects corrosive elements and should be replaced when eaten away or if waste is caked on. At Barner Murphy of Bucks County we are committed to excellence within the plumbing and heating industry. We pride ourselves on being Master Plumbers, and bring the same quality to every job. We are bonded and insured in both Pennsylvania and in New Jersey. If you are in need of plumbing services or need a quote for a larger project in Philadelphia or Bucks and Montgomery county, contact us at 215-945-8560! Comments: