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Tuesday, October 18 2022
4 Reasons Your Dishwasher is Clogged or Backed Up

A dishwasher can make life a little easier in a busy home until it starts having problems. Perhaps you notice the dishes aren’t as clean as usual, or there’s an unpleasant odor in the appliance. Maybe it starts backing up into the sink, or worse, there’s pooled water in the bottom of the machine. Why does this happen?

At Barner Murphy, we encounter situations like this all the time. 

Here are Four Reasons your Dishwasher is Clogged or Backed up:

  1. Food Caught in the Sink: Your dishwasher partners with your kitchen drainage system. So clogs elsewhere can impact the health of your machine. However, note that if you can run your garbage disposal without issue while the dishwasher is off, it means the culprit lies somewhere other than within your dishwasher.
  2. Clogged Filter Basket: As the name implies, the filter basket of your dishwasher filters/catches bits of food, so they don’t go down the drain, making a clog elsewhere. If there’s too much food in the filter, it’s time to clean it. 

Tip: Soak your filter basket in vinegar to clean off oil and grease

  1. Drain Hose or Garbage Disposal Problems. Remember that a dishwasher isn’t a stand-alone appliance. There is a hose connecting to your drain pipe or the garbage disposal. If something get’s trapped in there, your dishwasher will back up.
  2. Sewer Line Problems. Your dishwasher may be just fine. Instead, you could have blockages hiding underground. If this is the case, you’ll likely notice the other drains in your house slowing or toilets not flushing thoroughly.

Getting Help from Barner Murphy

If it turns out the problem with your dishwasher isn’t as simple as just cleaning the filter basket, don’t reach for caustic drain de-cloggers. They can make matters worse. Instead, reach out to Barner Murphy, Inc. for an assessment of the problem. By utilizing our services, you get guaranteed quality work. If we cannot repair your dishwasher to proper functioning, we also have products we trust and can recommend.

Our professionals will not only resolve the problems with your dishwasher, but they’re on the lookout for signs of other plumbing problems that could get out of hand without repair. Water damage is very costly and often robs people of precious possessions. We want to help you keep your plumbing in tip-top shape to avoid such situations.

DIYers might be tempted to launch into home repairs independently vs. contacting a professional plumber. There are some problems with this approach. For one, your municipality has codes that plumbing must meet. Second, you probably don’t have a complete set of proper plumbing tools. With all good intentions aside, you may end up with a far worse situation or even put your safety at risk.

If you have concerns about the dishwasher or any plumbing in your home, contact our Levittown, PA, office (Buck’s County). Call 215-945-8560. Or use our online contact form HERE. Barner Murphy also offers bathroom remodeling, new build installations, and water heater repair/replacement.

Posted by: AT 11:07 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 21 2022
Tips To Prepare Your Plumbing For Autumn

As the leaves begin turning bright hues, it’s time to start thinking of ways to prepare your plumbing for autumn. Think of it like tuning up your car, but in this case, you’re readying your home, you want your plumbing equipped to face the elements. 

As temperatures drop, an ignored plumbing system can become clogged, the pipes damaged, and you could experience flooding in your home. At Barner Murphy, we’ve seen this a lot. So, we want you to know better how to safeguard your pipes.

Fix Those Leaks

At the top of your autumn checklist, fix any leaks you know of, including that annoying dripping faucet. A leak usually represents a weak spot in the system, and in the cold, water expands and may burst a pipe in the weak area. As you can imagine, the cleanup for burst pipes is messy and expensive.

Schedule Maintenance Checks Year-Round

If you’ve taken care of maintenance checks regularly, you may have nothing to worry about Autumn. Inspections reveal small problems before they become big ones. Repair those, and you have a well-oiled machine, so to speak.

Outdoor Plumbing

It’s easy to forget about your outdoor plumbing, but it’s smack-dab in the line of fire with harsh weather. Turn off the water access to outdoor faucets, drain any hoses and pipes thoroughly, and make sure you store any associated parts in a safe location until spring. 

Mark Your Water Main

Should you experience a water issue, being able to find your water main quickly, and turn it off, reduces the amount of time between when the pipe bursts and when one of our professionals at Barner Murphy can reach your home for repair. 

Check Appliances

Make sure your water heater and sump pump are in good working order. This, again, is where regular maintenance reviews come in handy. Not many people know what to look for when inspecting a water heater.

For the sump pump, you can do a quick DYI to test it. Pour some fresh water into the pit. If it begins pumping, the system is in good working condition. If it doesn’t, call Barner Murphy (215-945-8560) so we can rectify it swiftly. 

Pipe Insulation

One burst pipe can cost you over $1,000 to repair. That’s just the pipe, by the way. There’s the additional cost of water damage. Insulating your pipes comes in at a much lower cost (not to mention giving you peace of mind). Seek out those pipes tucked away in unheated places like garages and crawl spaces, or let Barner Murphy do it for you.

Barner Murphy Plumbing Professionals serving Bucks and Montgomery County, PA

We are very proud of the services we offer. We guarantee quality and professionalism. If you have questions, you can detail your situation using our online contact form. That way, our team can evaluate the general need and get back to you with dependable answers.

Posted by: AT 01:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, August 20 2022
Preventing a Household Disaster through Regular Plumbing Maintenance

Plumbing wasn't always as sophisticated as it is today. Yes, you have pipes and spigots, water pressure, and valves, and when problems arise in any of these components, trouble may soon follow. The struggle for more homeowners recognizes plumbing problems, any of which can lead to a household disaster. Regular plumbing maintenance helps ease all that. 

The Value of Maintenance Checks.

A few simple maintenance checks like those we provide at Barner Murphy, Inc. save you time and frustration, not to mention money. You can certainly try your hand at DYI using online tutorials. Still, often times such efforts end up making more of a mess simply because few people understand the complexities of modern plumping

You can schedule routine checks and maintenance at your convenience to give yourself peace of mind. 

While onsite, professionals look for things like:

  • Damp cabinets
  • Water stains on ceilings
  • Leaking faucets or connections
  • Rusting hot water heaters
  • Dripping refrigerators
  • Sump pump operations

Each of these problems can lead to bigger ones, including mold that impacts your health. When it's discovered that your garbage disposal, for example, requires replacement, you already have someone onsite to assess it and set up that appointment. In some cases, they have the part you need in the truck!

If the inspection reveals more than one problem, you can bundle the work together to save on service calls (always get a written estimate). In general, you should schedule maintenance reviews twice annually so your plumbing is ready for changing seasons. 

Being an Alert Home Owner

As for yourself, we at Barner Murphy suggest keeping an eye open for dripping faucets, moisture under your sinks, and musty smells in your house. Share what you've found with your professional plumber. Do NOT wait. When you recognize an issue, get help right away. Water is very determined. The longer you let an issue go, the more repairs you'll face. 

Another thing that's not difficult is learning basic drain maintenance. Clear out visible debris twice a month. Ensure you have proper drain covers and watch what goes down the sink. If you don't have a drain cover presently, use a towel over the sink for things like shaving, and it will catch the hair instead of having the hair clog things up. 

When you're walking around your home with a professional, ask them to mark your water shut-off valves (they're easily forgotten). Should an appliance like a sink or dishwasher run over, you can use that valve to turn off the water. It will stop water in your entire home, but at least you're avoiding further damage until the plumbing brigade comes to call. 

Plumber Services in Bucks County

Barner Murphy, Inc guarantees quality service completed by experienced professionals. Our work goes beyond maintenance, and we also handle new construction, kitchen and bath design, and replacing or repairing things like gas lines, hoses, sump pumps, and ejector pump systems. 

You can ask the questions you have by using our online contact form. Or call our office at 215-945-8560.

Posted by: AT 09:41 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 18 2022
Top reasons why you should call a professional plumber

No matter how proficient you have become at DYI, there will come a day when you need a professional plumber. Water can cause considerable damage to your home, even if you don’t see it. While we at Barner Murphy have gotten a lot of strange calls, for the most part, the problems homeowners face are similar.

Common Issues

It’s 3 am and all you can hear are your dripping faucets. That dripping wastes a lot of water, up to 500 gallons of water annually. Sometimes all you need is a washer, but when that doesn’t work give us a call (215-945-8560). There may be more issues at hand than just that drip.

Here are other common plumbing issues:

  • Burst Pipes: This commonly occurs in winter when the water in a line freezes and expands. Immediate response is necessary as this situation can cause a lot of damage to your home.
  • Clogged Drains: A liquid solvent doesn’t always work. In the meanwhile, your drain starts to smell. Have a plumber on speed dial. In some instances, we may use a camera that can scan deeper into your pipes. This is especially true with septic systems that may have roots growing into them.
  • Leaking Pipes: Watch for wet spots around your pipes and where they enter ceilings.
  • Low Water Pressure: This can be a sign of cracked or broken pipes.
  • No Hot Water: A water heater has a lifespan of about 10 years. A professional plumber can troubleshoot your situation and determine if, perhaps, you need a new system. Your tank may not be large enough for your family, for example.
  • Smell of Sewage in House: This is a potent warning sign of plumbing problems. Potential culprits include poorly ventilated drain pipes, backups in your sewage system, or clogged pipes
  • Toilet Running: this wastes upward of 200 gallons of water daily.

Top Reasons Why You Should Call a Professional Plumber

There are many benefits to working with a professional plumber. For one, Barner Murphy looks for telltale signs of problems and endeavors to fix them so they last for years to come. Some of the methods of “fixing” plumbing problems actually make things worse. With us, you get guaranteed quality work.

As much as you might want to handle the repair yourself, you can end up spending far more money. Plumbing needs to be up to coding standards, which you probably don’t know about. Some plumbing issues cause safety concerns (looking around in the dark with your wrench in hand on a wet floor, for example).

Another reason for calling a professional plumber is that we have the right tools for the job. In general, homeowners don’t have an auger or drain snake, for example. These tools are far more suited to the issue at hand without damaging your pipes.

Plumbers aren’t only for repairs. We participate in new home projects and installing new appliances. This is not the time to cut corners. Invest in expert assistance. With it, you get a guarantee of workmanship for a set number of years.

The Barner Murphy Difference

Our company began in 1996 with master plumbers at the ready. We make it our mission to provide you with high-quality, reliable work every time. There is nothing hidden. We communicate with you throughout a project so you know what’s happening. Ultimately, your satisfaction represents our success.

If you’d like a quote or to learn more you can use our online contact form. Or call our Levittown, PA office at 215-945-8560. We look forward to hearing from you.

Posted by: AT 01:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 28 2022
5 Valuable Benefits of Hiring Quality Plumbing Services

No matter where you live, having a quality plumbing service on which you can depend is valuable. Initially, you might go through dozens of estimates with companies you have to research. Once you find “the” place, whose workmanship, price, and professionalism are spot-on, stick with it!

Why is Plumbing so Important?

Plumbing is kind of like veins and arteries for your house. It supplies your home with incoming fresh water while disposing of wastewater. When the system gets out of balance, such as when a sewer backs up, the health of your home is in danger. The goal at  Barner Murphy Plumbing and Heating is to provide you with ongoing, highly-effective services, no matter your situation.

Sadly, plumbing isn’t meant to last forever. Wear and tear take a toll. When damage occurs, repair and replacement may become costly. So, we recommend regular inspection and routine maintenance that can extend your plumbing’s lifecycle. We can find small problems before they become BIG ones. This is but one of the reasons hiring quality plumbing services is so invaluable.

5 Benefits of hiring Quality Plumbing Services

Truth be told, there are far more than five reasons to find and keep a good plumbing service. Here are just a few:

  1. Prompt Service: Once you establish a professional relationship with professionals, they get to know you (and your pipes!). That relationship speeds response, especially when you need something fixed NOW. We come to your home with the right tools to resolve the problem as quickly as possible and get life back to normal.
  2. Familiarity: A new plumber won’t know your home’s schematics - what’s old, what’s new, what’s been recently repaired, etc. Having a one-stop shop for all your plumbing needs decreases the amount of time a technician needs to be at your home, thereby saving you money in labor.
  3. Quality components: At Barner Murphy, we seek the highest quality materials that will last a long time with little fuss. We will go over your options in detail so you can make informed decisions. You don’t need to know everything about your plumbing system (that’s our job), but a little insight goes a long way toward peace of mind.
  4. Personal safety: There are some dangers to DIY, especially if you are not trained in plumbing matters You can expose yourself to lead, flammable products, and electrical hazards, just to name a few. Going one step further, you also don’t want to hire a “handyman” for a job requiring precision. They can, and often do, make matters worse.
  5. Tools of the trade: Amatures and DIYers typically do not have the specialized tools required for plumbing. An example would be video cameras for pipe inspections. The cost to buy those tools is substantive, and learning to use them properly is a whole other bailiwick.

Barner Murphy: Quality Plumbing Services, Buck’s County

Barner Murphy Plumbing and Heating guarantees the quality of work you receive. Whether you know what’s wrong, or are still figuring it out, we can come to take a closer look and provide you with a quote on which you can depend. Our goal is to work with you to find the best solution for your plumbing needs, so you don’t have to worry.

Don’t hesitate to use our online contact form for your questions or requests for a quote. You can also call our Levittown, PA office at 215-945-8560.

Posted by: AT 11:37 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 24 2022
How Affordable is Trenchless Pipe Repair Vs Traditional Repair?

It’s the one thing every homeowner dreads-discovering faulty or damaged pipes on the property. When those pipes remain in disrepair, it can cause all manner of troubles including stained walls, flooding, and black mold growth. It used to be repairing those pipes was a huge undertaking spanning several days and leaving a mess from digging. Now you have a different option, namely trenchless pipe repair.

You may not have heard about trenchless pipes, but they’re a wonderful option. A trenchless pipe doesn’t damage your landscape. Even better, it takes far less time to install this type of pipe system so labor costs go down and you avoid excavation! Here at Barner Murphy Plumbing in Bucks County, PA,  we can guide you regarding this process if you’re ready to repair or replace your pipes.

How are Trenchless Pipes Installed?

There are two techniques for installing trenchless pipes: pipe lining or pipe bursting.

  • Pipe lining begins with an inspection using a sewer camera. Next, any debris in the pipe is cleaned out using a pressure washer. Then, the plumber installs an epoxy liner. The epoxy resin goes into your old pipe and repairs the cracks and gaps, neatly eliminating leakage. The lining also keeps out stormwater and stops tree roots from growing into the pipe. This approach effectively gives you a brand new line that’s just slightly smaller in dimension.
  • Pipe bursting breaks apart a damaged sewer pipe to open a path for a new one to go in. Believe it or not, it only takes a few hours from start to finish. This approach is a little less expensive than pipe lining.

Trenchless Sewer Pipe Repair vs. Traditional Repair

In general, trenchless repair methods are a little more expensive because you need experienced technicians for this work. The cost of the trenchless systems runs between $80-$250 per foot. So what about traditional approaches?

Hidden Costs of Traditional Pipe Repairs

There are hidden costs in traditional pipe repair. For example, your contractor may not include the cost of excavating the old, broken pipe. If something heavy lies across the pipe (say a tree) you’ll incur another charge for removing or transplanting it. Then there’s hiring and paying a landscaper.

With trenchless technology, you avoid hidden costs like these. This system isn’t highly invasive. It doesn’t take several days to install, either. You can easily see why trenchless systems have become popular. There’s no surprise factor. There’s no messy process. The approach isn’t only efficient, it’s long-lasting. The life expectancy of trenchless pipe repair is 50 years.

Getting a Professional Plumber in Montgomery County, PA

Barner Murphy Plumbing offers free estimates and guaranteed quality work. Our well-rounded company has years of experience repairing and replacing pipes.

We are happy to sit down with you and talk about the best options for your situation. Reach out to us at our office: 215-945-8560. Alternatively, you can fill out our online form describing your problem and one of our professionals will give you a return call.

Posted by: AT 10:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 19 2022
5 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Sump Pump

In serving the Bucks & Montgomery County plumbing needs, one of the things we at Barner Murphy see time and again is a homeowner with unexpected sump pump problems. A sump pump is essential to protecting your home against wastewater and flooding.  Once you have water damage, you face remediation to avoid things like mold, which is usually costly.

The US Department of Housing and Development places the life expectancy of a sump pump to be about 10 years maximum. If you’re fortunate enough to have original paperwork on your pump, you can review it to see how to test it periodically. Or you can have one of our licensed plumbing professionals come for a maintenance call.

But all that said, how can you tell if your sump pump needs replacing?

5 Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Sump Pump

  1. Noise and vibration: If you see odd noises, often loud, coming from your sump pump the culprit is likely worn-out equipment. Vibrating indicates trouble with your pump’s impeller. The system will require a check-up to see the extent of damage to the system.

  1. Cycling on and off irregularly, or it doesn’t stop running. Switches may be at the heart of the matter, or the float arm. Irregular cycles are often traced back to electrical shorts, too.

    1. When the pump keeps running and running, you may have a piece of plumbing equipment that’s too small for your home. During a heavy rainy season, it doesn’t have the power it needs to keep up with all that water.

    1. If your pump stops running altogether, you’ll know pretty quickly as water accumulates. Most often this occurs in conjunction with electrical problems, clogged drains, or broken hoses. Depending on the extent of damages, you may have to replace the sump pump altogether.

  1. Improper Installation: You may have no idea who installed your pump, or when. So there’s no guarantee the current pump in your home was installed properly. This is one of the reason home inspections for plumbing issues before you buy, is a necessity. It could be too small, for example. If you’re not sure, you can call us at our Levittown, PA office (215-945-8560) and make an appointment so we can check for you. If there are repairs or replacements required, we provide free estimates.

  1. Visible Signs of Aging: If your sump pump has rust or corrosion, it can hinder water flow through the drainage system.

  1. At or over its life expectancy: Equipment can only work for so long in pristine shape. If you hardly use your sump pump it may age out more quickly. You need to run it periodically or it will fail when you most need it.

Respond with Due Diligence

Putting off your sump pump repair only makes things worse, and often more costly. The rain or a flood can cause so much damage in just a few minutes. When you recognize signs your sump pump isn’t working properly or meeting your home’s needs, reach out to our highly trained professionals. You can use our online contact form for more information.

Posted by: AT 03:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 16 2022
Plumb Panicked: What is a Plumbing Emergency and what Can Wait?

No one expects a plumbing problem. When there’s a predicament with water, sewers, faucets, etc. it’s easy to have a knee-jerk reaction and call for immediate help. Your mind races worrying about water damage, getting a shower, clean drinking water, etc.

Now let’s face it, 24-hour emergency service typically carries a high price tag. With over 20 years of industry experience, we at Barner Murphy have seen also companies take advantage of an obviously “plumb panicked” client. After you’ve paid hundreds of dollars more than necessary, it’s typically too late to get any of that money back.

To our thinking, your best line of defense is being informed. We want to create a foundation of trust and professionalism, and education is part of that picture. So, today, we want to share with you what constitutes a real plumbing emergency vs. something that can wait a bit.

Common Plumbing Emergencies

Before diving into specifics, it’s important for you to know that some types of plumbing repairs can only be performed by a town, city, or county professional. Good examples are sewer lines and water mains. It will do you no good to hire a plumber. They’ll charge you for the service call, and direct you to the proper authority.

Water problems inside the house are a different problem. The most common calls we receive consist of:

  • Leaks: In instances where your toilet overflows or the washing machine hose fails go ahead with a call for help, especially if the situation just keeps getting worse. On the other hand, you can handle a leaky faucet by closing off the water on that pipe. Now you’re ready to assess the situation further.
  • Ruptured pipes. For now, turn off the water and get items easily damaged by water away from the area.
  • Sewer backups: If you flush the toilet and the water appears in the shower, you need help right away. Sewer backups not only cause damage, but they are a health hazard.
  • Water heaters: They leak or fail. This is a good reason to call a professional as it’s a situation that can create extensive damage to your home quickly. Go into this knowing you may need a replacement.

Fixing it Yourself?

Some people have the skills and tools for small plumbing repairs or temporary solutions. If you are not one of them, now is NOT the time to take up a new hobby. You can actually make matters worse.

Calling in the Calvary

Once you’ve assessed your situation, it’s time to make a few calls. It really pays to shop around unless you have a trusted company on speed dial. Make sure to have as many details as possible for the conversation and ask for an estimate. If they decline, it’s a red flag. Good professionals know the base cost for most repairs.

They won’t typically guarantee that cost, however, until they have eyes on the situation, knowing a lot of other things might be part of the problem. You will also want to know about their service fees, and any fees if they have to return to complete a job.

The Barner Murphy Difference

If you’re in the Levittown, PA area, give us a call at 215-945-8650. We’re happy to answer any questions promptly so you can get your house back on track.

For other services, you can use that number or fill out our online contact form. Our dependable professionals will get back to you with the answers you need.

Posted by: AT 08:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 16 2022
Why you should have a plumbing inspection before buying a home

Buying a home ranks as one of the most stressful and confusing propositions in a lifetime. There is so much to consider and so many facets to a home in terms of upkeep it can make your mind swirl. One of the essential items, often overlooked, is plumbing. There are numerous reasons to get a plumbing inspection, the two top ones being safety and money.

In our experience at Barner Murphy, Inc., we know that not all mortgage companies require a plumbing inspection before escrow closes. Don’t skip it. If significant plumbing issues affect the house’s value, you have a bargaining point for negotiation. Additionally, you don’t want to get into the house only to have the settling-in process disrupted by plumbing problems, big or small.

Primary Plumbing Problems

There are five key points a home plumbing inspection covers:

Main Sewer Line: Any part of a sewer line could have clogs that remained hidden. Our inspection goes from the house to the main sewer line. What might we find? Tree roots breaking your pipes! Above and beyond the cost to clear and repair the line, some towns require a sump pump, too. These are not minor “fixes,” and you don’t want to worry about them down the road.

Pipes: Pipe leaks lead to damages, be it walls, paint, floors, or rugs. You may find lead pipes or pipe corrosion, mold, and mildew when you look further into pipe problems. Mold turns into a health risk, as does the lead-in the lines. We can provide a quote on the necessary repairs when you encounter this. You can use this as a tool to lower the buying price. Better still, we can provide you with external connections (faucets, etc.) suitable to your new home’s style as you repair.

Toilets: Look around the base of the toilets. Do you see discoloration? That can mean the toilet is leaking or not adequately secured. And what lies below can be an absolute nightmare. This is another situation where you can get our estimate, including how you’d like the bathroom to look when you’re done. While a seller might not lower the price in total, you don’t have to get a secondary price for the other adaptations.

Water: You want safe, clean house water. Odd coloring in the water results from various things, including old pipes that need replacement. Our licensed, certified staff can figure out the cause so you can make informed decisions.

Water Heater: Older water heaters lead to increased energy usage. Replacing them is costly. Our plumbers will look for evidence of leaks or other damage.

And that’s not all! Barner Murphy’s plumbing inspections in Bucks County, PA include checking drains for clogs, water pressure, sink foundations, ceilings for signs of water stains, etc.

The Take-Away

Think about how you buy other costly things. You take your car for a test drive and have a mechanic give it a once over, for example. Similarly, your plumbing report looks under the proverbial “hood” of your potential new home. The results won’t necessarily become a deal-breaker, but you want to know the entire situation before signing on the bottom line. Undiscovered plumbing issues can end up as a huge liability.

Remain aware of tips and trends in plumbing (knowledge is power). Contact the experienced professionals at Barner Murphy Plumbing Company for home inspections or any of your plumbing needs going forward. We’re in Levittown, PA. Phone: 215-945-8560

Posted by: AT 12:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 18 2022
Common Plumbing Myths That Cost You Money

The plumbing system in a home may easily be taken for granted. That is, as long as toilets and sinks smoothly function and your water heater does not make those odd banging, popping, or rumbling noises, right? Some of these plumbing myth statements are a fact and some aren’t. Are you able to tell the difference? Understanding the difference between the following 5 home plumbing myths and the truth will save you money and make your life easier.

Tablets that contain bleach are safe for your toilet

The answer to that plumbing myth is an absolute no. While you might pour bleach into the basin to clean it, do not use tablets that contain bleach inside your tank. Eventually, the bleach will degrade the working elements of your toilet.

Flushable wipes are safe for your toilet

You’ve likely heard this plumbing myth before (most likely in the ads). “Flushable wipes are safe to be flushed down a toilet – approved by plumbers!” Well, we don’t approve. Just like any other items, like feminine products, paper towels, and ear swabs, they are NOT made to be flushed. You might get away with it, but you might now. So why risk it?

A rumbling and banging water heater is going to blow up

If the water heater makes popping, banging, and rumbling sounds, there isn’t any alarm of it blowing up. The concept behind the grumbling old water heater is caused once the heating component heats the water in the lower part of the tank and produces bubbles. These bubbles rise through layers of buildup and sediment. It’s the cause of the sound.

While a loud water heater is not an impending risk of blowing up, it means that the water heater must be serviced by a professional to check components and clean the tank. When was the last time the water heater was serviced?

A leaking faucet isn’t any big deal

The idea that a leaking faucet isn’t any big deal, nor any cause for concern is an expensive plumbing myth. A faucet dripping at a rate of every one-second wastes around 3,000 gallons of clean, fresh water every year. That is roughly 180 showers! According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), leaking faucets may account for almost 10% of a water bill. Furthermore, a leaking faucet is an issue that will only grow worse. So, get that leaky faucet repaired! It’s a quick and easy fix for us!

A lot of plumbing projects are DIY fixes

That statement depends upon a person’s aptitude for repairing things around the house. But when it comes to plumbing, you need the tools, experience, and knowledge for the majority of plumbing repair projects. Of course, using a plunger or insulating pipes might be done by the average individual. But tasks like repairing leaks and replacing appliance parts must be done by a professional, not to mention the more technical plumbing fixes that might arise. Those DIYs can cost you A LOT down the road. Trust us, we’ve seen it before.

Contact Barner Murphy of Bucks County, PA Today!

Our plumbing specialists will bring out the best in your home. If you have any plumbing issues, contact us today. You can reach our plumbing professionals by phone at 215-945-8560 or fill out our easy inquiry form.

Posted by: AT 03:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

Barner Murphy Inc. - Bucks County - Plumbing
7204 Hibbs Lane, Levittown, PA 19057 | Phone - 215-945-8560

Licensed Master Plumbers
PA HIC #035743 NJ #10388 RCC LIC # 413

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