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Monday, August 12 2019
Protect Your Home From Costly Water Damage

Water is one the most important resources we need to survive and to keep up with modern society, yet this amazing resource can also cause severe damage to your home. In fact, water damage and the mold that in many cases results from it costs insurance companies billions per year in claims, each individual claim being several thousand dollars. To avoid spending large sums of money on repairs, it’s critical you protect your home from costly water damage.

Check your water pressure. Household water pressure is generally supposed to fall between 40 and 70 psi. Excessive water pressure can damage pipes, hoses, and plumbing fixture. To measure you water pressure, head to your local hardware store and buy a water pressure gauge, then attach it to an outdoor faucet. Turn the faucet to full force, and the gauge will tell you the pressure. If it’s around 100 psi or over, head back to the hardware store and get a water pressure regulator. These are small purchases that will save you thousands in water damage.

While you’re outdoors, clean out those gutters and downspouts at least twice a year to prevent blockages. When left unattended, these blockages in your gutters can keep water in place and cause damage to the gutters and the roof. Those downspouts should be cleaned too, but also make sure they point away from your home so water flows away.

Back inside, make sure you know where your water main is so you can shut off all water in case of an emergency. Most people have no clue where it is (and some don’t even know what it is), yet knowing how to get to your water main is one of the best ways to minimize water damage. 

Washing machine leaks are one of the leading causes of water damage in homes, but again, many people don’t realize the importance of changing them out. If any of your washer hoses are brittle, damaged, or warped, replace them immediately. You’ll then want to replace your washer hoses at least once every 5 years to prevent costly water damage to your home.

Your water heater is another important piece of plumbing to monitor. Check on it once a year, investigating for rust, corrosion, or other damage. Be on the lookout for pools of water or leaking as well.

Lastly, keep a close eye on your plumbing system. Signs of wear include condensation on the walls/floor nearby, rust-colored water, and loud pipes. You can try to fix your plumbing yourself, but sometimes it’s easier to call professionals. Barner Murphy’s here and ready to fix your aging plumbing before it turns into a messy, costly problem.

Note: check your water bill every so often. An unusually large water bill could indicate a leak somewhere around your home, and if left untreated, that leak could damage the area it’s leaking in to.

Posted by: AT 11:56 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 07 2019
Water Conservation Tips

Water. Not only do we all need it to keep our bodies healthy, but many of our modern amenities rely on water to provide us amazing conveniences like warm showers and functioning toilets. However, many people use a lot more water than they think; using too much water can cost you a lot of extra cash, but environmental concerns surrounding water usage are also increasing. That being said, we’ve compiled some tips you can use to save on your water bill and help the planet.

First and foremost, cut down on baths. The EPA found that the average bathtub requires a whopping 70 gallons of water to fill up, whereas a 5-minute shower could use up to 25 gallons depending on the shower. Speaking of showers, keep them short. It might be tempting to stand in that warm shower for half an hour in the dead of winter, but you’re wasting a lot of water and you’ll have to get out eventually anyways.

Install a high-efficiency showerhead to further decrease your water usage. Many of these can save you up to a gallon per minutes. Assuming a 5-minute shower every day, that’s about 150 gallons saved per month. High-efficiency showerheads aren’t all expensive, either. They can be found in a wide range of prices, but some are as cheap as $10. That’s a small investment when you think of all the water you’ll save.

There’re plenty more water savings to be had in the bathroom, starting with the leaks. If your sink or toiled is leaky, you should repair it as soon as possible. Those drops of water could add up to hundreds more gallons a month. Unsure if your toilet is leaking? Add several drops of food coloring to the toilet tank and wait an hour. If the bowl has color in it, you have a leaky toilet. A plumber like Barner Murphy can handle leaks if you don’t want to.

When you’re brushing your teeth, turn off the water unless you’re wetting the toothbrush or rinsing it off. Same with activities like using mouthwash or shaving; don’t turn on the sink until you’re done with whatever activity it is or if you need to rinse something off.

Believe it or not, you could cut a lot of water usage when cooking, especially when it comes to vegetables. Fill up a large bowl with water and rinse your vegetables in there before peeling them rather than running them under the water.

Wait to do laundry or the dishes until you have a full load ready. Putting any less than a full load of laundry or dishes into it’s respective washer is effectively wasting water, as you’re going to use the same amount anyway (assuming you’re running it on the same settings). When it’s time to replace your washer or other water-using equipment, look for water-efficient models. As a bonus for your laundry efforts, you’ll also use less power (thus saving your more money) since you’ll be using both the washer and dryer less often.

Posted by: AT 11:27 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, July 28 2019
How To Spruce Up Your Bathroom

Bathrooms aren’t at the top of most people’s lists when it comes to interior decoration. Most are usually more concerned with the kitchen and living room. However, a nice-looking bathroom adds a bit of character to your home and set it apart from others’. There are plenty of ways spruce up your bathroom if you have some free time.

The most expensive yet most valuable changes you could make to your bathroom would be updating your vanity furniture. Giving your vanities a facelift can breathe new life into your bathroom. Still, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Head to an IKEA and look around; you could find some expensive looking vanity furniture without paying a fortune.

Another major change you can make to spruce up your bathroom is to put in a new faucet. Your old faucet might be dragging the overall look of your bathroom down. New faucets look sleek and stylish; the right faucet can bring your boring bathroom into the modern era, not to mention they may function a lot better.

New hand towels are a great complement to your new sinks. Ditch that dirty old hand towel for something a little more fresh and decorative. Aim for something soft, too. The more senses you can appeal to in a positive fashion, the better.

Add some green to your bathroom with plants. Plants are easy on the eyes, giving some color to an otherwise plain room. In addition, they help refresh the stale bathroom air. The humid bathroom air is an excellent environment for certain types of plants to grow. Some of these plants are the peace lily, the spider plant, and even aloe.

Your bathroom floors could use an update too. Wood flooring looks very nice, but it doesn’t mix well with rooms that often contain a lot of moisture. Fortunately, you can get faux wood flooring for cheap. Faux wood flooring tends to be made out of vinyl, which is easy to install. Grab some faux wood flooring to give your bathroom a bit of charm.

Lighting is also important for your bathroom. Chances are your current lights are more functional than beautiful; they’re probably quite harsh and don’t add much flair. Try replacing them with LEDs. The light from LEDs is softer on the eyes and enhances how everything else in the bathroom looks.

Then, of course, there’s the scent. Bathrooms aren’t known for being the most pleasant-smelling areas of the house, but you can make it so with a few simple additions. First, you can put in some scent-absorbing items like baking soda or white vinegar. After that, consider adding a candle or two to give you bathroom a pleasant, welcoming scent. To keep odors out of your bathroom, leave the fan on and open the door once you’re done showering or bathing. This will air out your bathroom, preventing that musty mildew smell from polluting your bathroom.

Posted by: AT 09:14 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, July 21 2019
5 Most Common Summer Plumbing Problems

Winter weather is known for causing many plumbing problems, most commonly frozen pipes. Believe it or not, warm weather brings its own plumbing problems too. With the summer heat in full force, you might run into a few of these common summer plumbing problems yourself. If you do, Barner Murphy’s plumbing experts can address these issues and get your plumbing system back to normal in no time.

Clogged garbage disposals are much more likely to happen in the summer thanks to all the cookouts. See, there’s a common misconception that your sink’s garbage disposal is a place to dump all your food. This leads to a clogged disposal under your sink. The clogging is worsened in the summer since most cookout food is meat, and meat involves grease and bones. Grease solidifies in your disposal, and bones get caught in the blades. Fruit is also a big cookout food, but the pits can’t go down the disposal either. You should only be putting biodegradable food waste down your disposal.

Another plumbing object prone to clogging in the summer is the toilet. Kids are home for the summer, so your toilet’s going to see much heavier use. Clogging is inevitable, whether through normal use of because kids try to flush other things down the toilet. Teach your kids what does and doesn’t go down the toilet and keep a plunger handy. 

Keep an eye on your washing machine. Summer activities tend to involve a lot of dirt, sand, sweat, and grime, all of which your washer has to work harder to get rid of. Having all your kids home all day can magnify the problem as everyone’s trying to wash their wardrobe. Try to be home whenever you’re using your washing machine this summer. If you hear any weird noises or notice anything wrong with clothing when you remove it from the machine, you might need professional help. In the meantime, seek out laundry accommodations from friends, neighbors, or your local laundromat.

Not all summer plumbing problems occur outside your home. Summer storms occur quite often in certain areas; the rain can get into pipes underground and back up the sewer lines. Toilet water backing up into your bathtub’s drain is a red flag for sewer backups. If you see this happen, call a plumber like Barner Murphy immediately.

Sprinklers can be a cause for concern once its warm outside. With regular lawn mowing and more people running around on your lawn, it’s not too hard to break a sprinkler or two. Check on your sprinklers regularly before using them to identify broken sprinklers or other issues so you don’t cause further damage.

These are 5 of the most common summer plumbing problems. Stay on top of your plumbing system and act the moment you discover and issue. If any of these happen to you this summer in Buck County, you’re not alone - the experts at Barner Murphy are always willing to help. Give us a call and we’ll be glad to help!

Posted by: AT 08:38 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, June 14 2019
Things That Can Ruin Your Plumbing System

Your plumbing system is one of the most critical systems in your home. In fact, it’s a fundamental part of all the modern conveniences you now have access to. Without a healthy plumbing system, you’ll quickly notice how much you rely on plumbing on a day-to-day basis. Unfortunately, there are plenty of things that can ruin your plumbing system beyond this normal wear and tear if you aren’t careful.

For one, think about the various chemicals you dump down your drain on a daily basis. Things like soap and bleach can damage your piping over time. Despite being an alright solution in a pinch, even drain cleaner can ruin your plumbing. You’d be better off hiring a plumber to clean out your pipes.

On a similar note, dumping grease down the drain can ruin your plumbing system. It can be tempting to do it because it’s usually in liquid form when you’re disposing of it. However, since grease solidifies at room temperature, it can quickly build up inside the pipes and cause blockages. Dump any grease into a plastic bag and throw it in the trash to prevent these buildups.

The garbage disposal is another part to pay attention to. A lot of people throw all kinds of food waste in the garbage disposal like it’s a trash can. Now, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t throw non-food waste down the garbage disposal at all. But even solid food waste like bones and large fruit peels can clog the garbage disposal and ruin your plumbing system.

But the kitchen isn’t the only area of your home where plumbing problems can occur. 

Toilet cleaners might make your bathroom smell nice, but they can cause damage over time to different parts of the toilet. Too much reliance on toilet cleaning chemicals could cause a small piece of a toilet to break off and get caught in the flush valve, making normal flushing impossible.

Cleaners aren’t the only threats to your plumbing system, though; your hair that goes down your bath/shower drain can cause problems aside from the typical clogged drain. By itself, hair is not likely to do much damage. But if there are other materials like grease or trash building up down the drain, the hair can exacerbate the problem when it gets caught in those materials.

Moving down the line, harsh chemicals like toilet cleaner and other aforementioned products can do very expensive damage to your septic tank. For obvious reasons, septic tank repairs are not fun for anyone involved.

Nature can mess with your plumbing, too. Roots from plants and trees gravitate towards areas where there’s water. If there are cracks in your piping outside, tree roots could find their way inside your piping and cause blockages that prevent proper drainage.

Even DIYing your plumbing can ruin your plumbing system. Something as simple as a small leak under the sink can turn into a huge, expensive headache down the line if you don’t fix it correctly. When in doubt, leave your problems to the experts at Barner Murphy.

As you can see, there are a lot of potential threats to your plumbing system. Fortunately for you, the plumbing experts here at Barner Murphy are ready to help you fix your plumbing if it’s been damaged from any of these problems. 

Posted by: AT 11:32 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, June 07 2019
How Heavy Rain Can Cause Plumbing Issues

Although you can inspect your all parts of your plumbing to make sure they’re bulletproof, sometimes forces outside of your controls can cause a multitude of issues in your plumbing system. Believe it or not, something as innocuous as heavy rain can cause plumbing issues.

First of all, heavy rain can put a ton of extra pressure on the area surrounding the pipes. When the dirt or sand accumulates water, it will turn into a much heavier mud that can be too much weight for the pipes to comfortably bear. Most modern pipes are built to withstand a lot of pressure, but there’s no guarantees when it comes to inclement weather.

Similarly, as rain hits the ground and softens the hard dirt around your pipes, your pipes can shift out of their normal positions. Sometimes, this can lead to cracks in your piping if the pipes bend in an unnatural or unsustainable way. Also, once the mud solidifies back into dirt, more cracks can occur as the dirt no longer has any give.

Cracks in your shifting pipes that are caused by a rainstorm cause a few problems. First of all, there’s the obvious issue of leakages. But cracks in your piping allow surrounding rocks and soil to seep into the pipes, which can cause blockages and even cause water to leak into any underground parts of your home like your basement. Barner Murphy’s here to fix these cracks before they cause bigger plumbing issues.

Speaking of your basement, cracked pipes aren’t the only way for it to flood. If your basement has any windows, living on land with poor drainage can cause water to seep into the basement and cause a host of issues like mold and rotting wood.

Heavy rain can affect your septic tank in a similar way to your pipes. Saturated soil around your septic tank can put increased pressure on the tank. But that’s only half the issue. See, your septic tank can empty it’s effluent fluids into the surrounding drain field due to the saturated soil. Combine this inability to regulate fluid level with the additional pressure of the mud, and septic tank wastewater can back up into your house. Warning signs of a septic tank backup include unexplained foul odors, unusually slow flushing, and backed up drains. 

If you primarily drink well water, refrain from drinking it until it’s been tested after heavy rainfall. Septic tank backups can cause nasty contamination in well water, so grab some water bottles while you’re waiting for the all-clear.

Sometimes, issues with your plumbing aren’t entirely caused by rain on your property. After heavy rain, city sewers can backup which will cause your own sewers to be backed up as well. Unfortunately, there’s no immediate solution when this happens. The best you can do is wait it out.

After heavy rain, don’t attempt to fix things yourself as one wrong thing could magnify problems caused by excess water. It’s best to leave plumbing issues to professional like Barner Murphy. In addition, get your septic tank inspected as soon as possible if you think recent rainfall caused it damage. 

Posted by: AT 03:31 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, May 22 2019
How to clean every surface in your bathroom

Not many people enjoy cleaning a bathroom. For a place that is meant for cleaning, it can get so very dirty. It’s a complicated space to clean, with so many different cleaning product options. Can you use the same thing to clean the sink and the shower? How can you keep your mirror and counters from looking streaky? But there’s something about freshly cleaned, gleaming bathroom surfaces that is just satisfying. We’ll walk you through our tips on the best ways to clean your bathroom and keep it squeaky clean, so it can keep you that way.

The first thing to do is assemble a kit and a method. Having all of your cleaning supplies together will help you to tackle the whole thing at once, rather than just cleaning the mirror and getting sidetracked on the way to the grout cleaner. Then, have a streamlined method with logical steps that are easy to repeat. 

Shower: try covering your showerhead with a bag filled with vinegar and letting it soak overnight, then run the water to rinse it out. Wash the plastic shower curtain liner in the washing machine every once in a while to prevent the buildup of mold and mildew, and add some towels to help scrub it all away. An easy investment for any bathroom is a long toothed plastic stick that can be put down drains to grab any hair or grime that clogs everything up and do that every couple of weeks. Finally, apply a foaming bathroom cleaner to the tub and let sit for fifteen minutes before scrubbing.

Sink: after wrapping up with the shower, simply spray down the sink with the same foaming cleanser and scrub. If you have a clog, try using your new stick friend that unclogged the shower drain, or pour some vinegar or baking soda down. For bathroom fixtures like faucets, try wiping down with white vinegar or dish soap and warm water. 

Grout: it’s almost unbelievable how quickly grout can become dirty and dingy. And because grout is porous and susceptible to bacteria growth, it’s important to give it a good scrub when needed. Just use a brush dipped in bleach and scrub away. You can also try using a sealant one or twice a year to keep out the moisture.

Tile: spray tile with an all-purpose cleaner and let the shower do the work for you. Get some steam going with hot water from the tap and shut the door, letting it all mix for around 20 minutes. This is also a good way to clean walls and ceilings. Then just wipe it all down with a cloth.

Toilet: is there anything baking soda can’t do? Pour a cup of it in the bowl and let it sit for a few minutes, then use your toilet brush or a sponge and scrub away.

There you have it! Soon your bathroom will be as sparkling as you, and with so much less hassle. 


Posted by: AT 02:30 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, May 14 2019
How to make your small bathroom seem larger

There’s no such thing as the perfect bathroom. There’s always a nook that refuses to be clean, or the cabinets don’t quite line up, or the shower just isn’t the way you wanted it to be. Even those beautiful minimalist bathrooms, with their long expanses of neutral tones and subtle surfaces, can be unforgivable when it comes to maintenance. We can’t cover the solutions for everything in one article, so here we will only be helping those who are feeling spatial challenges.

There are upsides to having a small bathroom — it can feel cozy, and even intimate. But when it starts to feel claustrophobic, it’s time to take action. One of the easiest fixes is to use white finishes in your bathroom. The lack of color recedes on itself and opens the space up, and brightens the room so it doesn’t feel so dark and cramped. If white isn’t your style, almost any neutral will work as well. That goes for floors as well, so don’t pick dark wood or tiles hoping to feel like your room is larger than it is. You can still use brighter and darker colors, just save that for your accents rather than your main areas.

Use mirrors and lights to your advantage. The goal here is to magnify the amount of space you have, while preventing clutter on what little space you do have available. Try a large mirror over the bathroom sink to reflect all the light and color in the room, or even a collection of little mirrors arranged in an aesthetically pleasing way. Lighting is key, especially since most small bathrooms don’t have a great source of natural light. It should come from a variety of locations to brighten up the room and prevent shadowy areas. 

Similar to the effect of a large mirror is that of a glass wall or door instead of a shower curtain. Shower curtains are synonymous to walls and can close off even more of your precious square footage. With a glass wall you will be able to see the entire bathroom, and it elevates the space.

If you want to add some of 2019’s top bathroom trends to your space, try “floating” surfaces. That can be a ledge, or cabinet, or sink, or even toilet. It gives the illusion of opening up the floor space while still being functional and chic. 

Use tiling to your advantage. The natural lines that tiling creates can be used for a variety of optical illusions. Taking tiling all the way up to ceiling in your shower keeps transitions simple, and can make the room seem taller. If your bathroom is long and tunnel-shaped, try using subway tiles on the floor going perpendicular to the longer walls to expand the width. 

The most useful tip, though, is simply removing any unnecessary clutter. A neat small bathroom is one that is ten times more pleasant to be in than a messy large one. Keep your essentials like your toothbrush and towels out and accessible, but put the rest away until needed.

Posted by: AT 11:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, April 18 2019
Top Tips to Avoid Plumbing Problems

There is nothing more frustrating than taking a shower and realizing that the water has risen up to your ankles, or trying to drain the sink after washing dishes to no avail, or hearing your toilet run long into the night. The best way to avoid these plumbing problems is by building some preventative steps into your routine and acting on that now instead of having to deal with the mystery puddle that won’t go away later. So, here are some of our top tips on keeping your pipes in the best shape.

There are a few things that should just never go down the drain in the first place. Avoid future clogs by watching what you put down the drain, and try to keep hair out of bathroom drains, grease and large food particles out of kitchen pipes, and anything besides toilet paper and sewage down the toilet. 
Non-biodegradable items like pre-moistened wipes, paper towels, and feminine products that are flushed down the toilet are one of the biggest problems for clogged sewage pipes. Even if the packaging says that it is safe to flush, it’s better to be safe and simply keep it out of your pipes than take the chance of a clog. 

Similarly, grease should never go down the kitchen drain. It builds up along the pipes and causes lots of problems down the line. Instead, wait for the grease to cool and place it in a plastic bag, then throw it in the trash can. Large food particles should also not be put down the drain, because garbage disposal does not mean garbage can. Scrape your plate into a can and then rinse any smaller particles off into the sink if necessary. 

Clogged showers are very common, and are luckily pretty easy to prevent at a cheap cost. One helpful item that you can try is a drain screen, which will catch all hair and larger particles from going down the drain and creating a problem. If you do find yourself with a hair clog, it’s easy to remedy with a cheap “snake” took — a long stick with teeth down the side to pull the hair out. It won’t be the most pleasant chore, but after clearing the drain and then placing a drain screen over top, the issues should become much less frequent. 

It’s also important to be prepared come cold weather. Make sure all of your hoses are disconnected from outside pipes and completely drained to avoid cracking, and then turn off the valves to keep the pipes from freezing or cracking and causing future leaks.
Keeping your pipes in shape for drastic weather is key, but it’s also important to keep up overall health. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, baking soda does that for the plumber. Periodically flush your sinks with a baking soda mixture or even boiling water to prevent minor buildup that can turn into a problem later.
And finally, make sure you know where your shut-off valve is. You never want to be in a situation where you need to know and can’t find it. Good luck!

Posted by: AT 08:41 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, April 07 2019
Remodeling Ideas and Trends in 2019

With the arrival of spring comes the need for something new. It’s time for a renovation, and why not start with arguably the most important room in the house — the bathroom! We’ve gathered together the top trends of 2019 to help you spruce up your shower, vanity area, and powder room. 

No matter what kind of change or upgrade you are contemplating, chances are it will give your bathroom a modern touch. It’s the future, and everything floats. “Floating” vanities and storage ledges are popping up all over the place, and are even practical. Since they simply jut out of the wall, that creates way fewer crevices for dust and other bathroom grime to gather and makes the floor way easier to clean. If this futuristic style choice speaks to you, you’re in luck — the toilet floats, too. 

The minimalist trend continues to reign supreme, and “seamless design” in general is becoming more and more popular. Floating storage and plumbing is evidence of this, as well as the continuance of a muted and limited color palette. Another way that this is continuing it into the shower. Many designers are choosing to forgo the shower dam and instead allow a slight floor slant to drain water. Others are also choosing floor-to-ceiling glass enclosure, which keeps small bathrooms looking taller and wider instead of dividing up the space. 

If you are working with a small space, try a side-mounted faucet. This is good for bathrooms that can only afford the space for a narrow sink and it’s visually interesting. When you are looking for your faucets and knobs, don’t run straight for 2018’s copper. Instead, try pewter, gunmetal, and even tarnished nickel. These metals still make a statement without being quite as bold as copper or brass. Hardware is looking good when exposed for a bit of an industrial vibe, and is even being paired with concrete. Don’t be afraid of concrete making your bathroom look too cold or stark, because it takes on a sleek look when it’s put together with wood and the exposed hardware.
2019’s bathroom trends are also leaning away from the large, statement circular mirror, and adding a bit of edge — literally. This year try out a rounded rectangle-shaped mirror for your vanity. Alternatively, place your vanity in front of a window for the framing effect of a mirror with the bonus of natural light and fresh air. 

All of these minimalist designs leave room for you to give your bathroom your own personal touch, be that in the form of a statement wall, rug, or art piece. The whole point is to make this room as relaxing as peaceful as possible — your own personal spa. If you want more zen in your life but aren’t ready to make a huge change, simply try adding a candle or some plants to your bathroom. Even a few sprigs of eucalyptus hung from the showerhead can make a difference. Now, time to relax!

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Barner Murphy Inc. - Bucks County - Plumbing
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